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Our clients are from many U.S. colleges and universities.  Here are some of the things they say about us.

"Dr. Lowe taught me about the importance of networking and how to network in the job search process.  His networking sessions were very helpful." - Student, Quinnipiac University

"As a Chinese student it's pretty difficult if not impossible to find a job in the U.S.  Many of my Chinese classmates and friends from other universities could not land a job and so had to eventually return to China.  I found out about Dr. Lowe on the internet.  He is an incredible motivator and coach.  He provided positive and constructive feedback during our interview sessions.  I applied all the techniques and strategies he taught me and am happy to say that I not only secured a great job, but I am also on the road to getting a green card." - Graduate,  New York University

"I try find OPT job, I went on line, attended my college center, and talked to many people, still no job.  I spoke with Dr. Lowe and he showed me what I was doing wrong.  He connected me to different employers and I now have a job. Thank you very much Dr. Lowe." - Student, The New School

"As an international student, I experienced first hand how our career center was not helpful.  Dr. Lowe and his consultants, helped me perfect my resume, guided me through the OPT and CPT process and coached me on how to prepare for an interview.  I now work full-time as an engineer and a major engineering company."  - Graduate, University of New Haven

"I personally feel that F-1 students should use ISCA throughout college.  The staff is always there to help you if you have any questions and they definitely help you to present yourself to employers." - Student, City University of New York

"Thank you Dr. Lowe for creating opportunities for me and connecting me with key internships.  Your dedication was simply amazing" - Student, Brown University

“ISCA counselors don't just help you craft your resume and cover letter. They also guide and direct you towards the courses, internships, and other experiences that will help you find a job.” - Student, Florida Institute of Technology

"I just wanted to say thank you for the advice you have provided for me. Employers actually emailed me directly when positions were available." - Student, Syracuse University

"Dr. Lowe and his team did everything they could to help me find the right internship for me.  I had my resume critiqued multiple time to make sure every word and spacing was correct.  They answered all my questions even about how to follow up with specific internship emails and phone calls." - Student, Fordham University

"I can not thank Dr. Lowe enough for all that he did in helping me find my dream job.  I would not have been able to do it without his caring, encouragement, insight and follow up.  When you hire Dr. Lowe, I can tell you that you are hiring someone you can trust.  He delivered." - Student, Carnegie Mellon University

International Student Career Advisors Consultants H1B jobs OPT CPT internship search Connecticut New York Jersey Manhattan College STEM Engineer