We are a team of human resources professionals, career development counselors, job coaches and diverse executive professionals from industries and educational consultants /advisors with over 30 years combined experience in career planning and development and internship/job research. We understand the value of employment in U.S. and the competitive nature of the U.S. job market for international students.
Our CEO and Managing Director is Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe. For over eighteen years, Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe, a leading global educational and college admissions expert, has successfully advised clients who have been accepted into their top-choice colleges. As a career advisor, Dr. Lowe focuses on helping international students develop their career paths and their cultural and career skills to increase their employment potential and maximize their job and internship search.
Dr. Paul Lowe understands the competitive and selective process involving international students; and is the founder of International Admissions Advisors. As well-connected career advisor, he leverages his knowledge and network of global business contacts to help clients represented in ISCA achieve their U.S. internship and job search goals.
International Student Career Advisors - job & internship search and development for international students
Our career resource network consist of executive professionals from the following industries: